Twenty-Eight, feeling great!

Last year I didn’t end up writing a post about turning twenty-seven. I don’t even remember why I didn’t, I suspect that I was just so busy or couldn’t be bothered. Never fear though friends, I am back to write about what lovely twenty-seventh year I had, and what I look forward to for twenty-eight.

Twenty-seven included a lot of really big changes, and I would say, all of them for the better. The two major ones were that I bought a new car, a tiny little Honda Fit that I can just whip around in. My little Toyota Echo wasn’t going to pass inspection and it was just going to cost so much to get her back up to where she needed to be that I had to say goodbye. It was a little bittersweet, that was the car I spent the first almost two years adventuring in, she was relatively good to me. She didn’t have air conditioning though, and she only had a CD drive, but she was a good little “first car”. Riza, my new Honda Fit, she’s great. Small and blue with enough power to get me around. She has air conditioning (thank goodness, because this summer has been a scorcher) and an aux port, bluetooth and automatic locks. No more manually locking and unlocking my car, though, we all know that’s not a huge deal. I was sad to see my Echo go, but so far my Fit and I have been on some wonderful adventures, with many more on the horizon.

The second big change is that I finally left my job at the bookstore and started a new job with IKEA. That too, was bittersweet because there are still so many things that I miss about it. Mostly, it’s the people I worked with on the floor, my regular customers and talking to my friends at a publishing company on a monthly conference call. I spent three and a half years just being completely engulfed in the world of books, and now that I’m not there anymore, I know that my reading has taken a dip, but I’m okay with that. It’s not like my love of books just disappeared, I just have so much going on with my new job and making new friends there, that I don’t have as much free time to read. I’m really happy though, this new change is exactly what I needed for twenty-eight. I can feel myself growing and flourishing again.

Twenty-seven had so many great moments, a weekend that I keep talking about because it was magical, new friendships, choosing happiness over and over while fighting my anxiety, and of course, that new season of Veronica Mars. That was a small but strong source of joy for me, the anticipation, the early release and the complete inhalation of it. There is not a character that I relate to more than Kristen Bell’s Veronica Mars. I see so much of myself in the character, so every time I watch the original series, or something new is released, I feel I learn a little bit more about myself. Overall, twenty-seven has been really, really good year.

So, what can I look forward to going in to twenty-eight? More happiness. Keeping the people I want in my circle, and choosing not to let people who have hurt me to continue to take up space in my happy places. More confidence and cute outfits, thanks to my Summer of Cute. Continually choosing kindness, even towards the people who do not deserve my soft heart. Learning more about myself and who I want to be and finding new people to join me on this adventure. Remembering that people will come and people will go in my life, but that they all bring something and leave something. I know I already said it, but more happiness. That’s what I’m looking forward to.

So, to everyone who made twenty-seven lovely, thank you. To everyone who added difficulties, also, thank you. You’re helping me become more resilient and ready to fight again.

Bring it on twenty-eight.