The Summer of Cute

I am declaring this right now, that the summer of 2019 is going to be my “Summer of Cute”. I know that I am going to be working a lot, especially because summer is the busiest season for my new job, but despite that, I am going to do my best at keeping with this goal.

So what will the Summer of Cute consist of? A lot of things really. Doing little things that bring me joy, that make me feel good about myself, and trying to stop worrying about what other people think of me. To break it down, I am going to wear the cute outfits that I want without worrying about what other people think, even when I don’t feel particularly cute. Wear that skirt, kill that crop top, rock those florals. I am going to wear what I want, and build that confidence. I’m going to eat that instagram worthy ice cream cone, take pictures of it and post it. Enjoy the fact that I can be that “extra” and not worry that people will think I am because it’s none of their business.

I’m going to spend time with the people that I want to when I can, do fun things and make a lot of memories. Go to the beach, take photos, laugh a lot and enjoy being with that people who genuinely bring me joy. I’m going to allow myself to have crushes on people, not worry about any expectations and maybe actually remember what it’s like to have feelings after not having that for so long. I’m not going to care if anything comes from it, because after spending so long feeling like I was dead inside, allowing myself to actually feel again will feel like a win. I’m going to be open to the feelings, but also, not going to beat myself up if it doesn’t happen, the heart is a fickle thing, so it may just not happen, but I’m going to be okay with that.

Basically, I want to have a really great summer in between all of the hours that I’m working. I am sure there will be less sleep, but there will be lots of great moments, memories that I will hold on to. So here’s to the Summer of Cute. So far it has had a really great start, with coffee chats with friends, visits from some favourite people from out of town, night time visits to the beach, board games nights, cute skirts, summery clothes and a giant smile to go with it all. It may only be within the few days that I will actually have free this summer, but I want to make the most of it if I can.